The Merchant – Downtown Raleigh Craft Cocktail Review

Craft Cocktails are probably my favorite thing about going out – food’s great but the cocktails are generally not something I can duplicate at home. Let’s get to the fun!

The DRINKS -we managed to have a drink out of each section of the cocktail menu (with exception of Zero Proof #overachievers) and they were so fun and tasty that I felt they deserved their own post!

The Merchant – Cocktail menu
The Merchant – Cocktail menu

Large Format Cocktails

So pretty!

Dillinger’s Escape Plan: I mean HOW could you come here for the first time and NOT get something that looks like this?? It was perfect; light refreshing and easy to drink.

Word of caution to those that are a bit clumsy (hello self) – the drink is balanced on that metal ring and if not careful, can be tipped over. Glad that didn’t happen – would have been something to see a grown ass woman grab a straw and start drinking off the bar….only slightly kidding.

Gin, Vodka, fresh dill, cucumber = light and refreshing

Herbaceous & Refreshing Cocktails

Graveyard of the Atlantic- this one was mine – tequilaaaaaaa 😋 and that is black salt on the cucumber. Looks like caviar but it’s not.

Robust & Boozy

Death in the Afternoon – this was Jason’s and the first time I’ve tried Absinthe. It was SO good. Dangerously so – Champagne and Absinthe! 😂

Death in the Afternoon

Smooth & Citrousy

Black Sails / Blue Waters

Pirate stuff AND rum? That’s J’s all day.

It’s interactive as well – I mean besides the drinking part – see the vid clip on insta – one of the ingredients is cotton candy – pour the alcohol over it and the cotton candy dissolves into the drink. Coconut Red Bull? Okay!

Smokey & Aromatic

Fear and Loathing in the Carolinas

I TRIED to love Fear and Loathing in the Carolinas – part of my ongoing attempt to develop a taste for Mezcal – but ugh. Still in progress 😶🤷🏼‍♀️

:: Robust & Boozy ::

This drink – Icon’s American Dream on the right – was most certainly my fave out of all for taste – the fresh honeycomb was a tasty and different garnish. Loved it! 🍯 🥃

I went back to the ROBUST and BOOZY category and snagged the Icons American Dream and J went off script with a Moscow Mule. That drink was most certainly my fave out of all for taste – the fresh honeycomb was a tasty and different garnish. Loved it! 🍯 🥃

Smokey & Aromatic

THIS was the most dramatic – Jason’s final choice – Smoke & Daggers

Smoke & Daggers

It’s interesting how wine is used in cocktails – never would have thought to do that but it’s usually very good – the presentation is legit. Check out the video on my insta.

Tip: if you reserve a table here – and I most certainly recommend that you do that considering it’s a fairly small space – they require a $10 deposit for each person. 

Downtown Raleigh Speakeasy