40 Questions – Question #2

Did you keep your new year’s resolutions?

This one is way easy as well – I don’t make resolutions. I have never liked them and don’t need or want to make them. I barely like New Year’s Eve.

Why? I’ve always said because I hate making goals or I’m commitment shy but I think this article narrows down why I don’t like them: to vague, too difficult, makes you feel like crap when you don’t succeed, etc.



40 Questions – Question #1

What did you do this year that you’d never done before?

This one is super easy to answer – Went to an iron forging class, did the Van Gogh experience, went on an international vacation, flew in a hot air balloon, rode a camel in the desert, got LASIK

I always want to push myself outside of my comfortable little box because as you get older it’s actually harder to do. Not sure what in the world I’ll have to do next year but you can bet that I WILL do something that I’ve never done.




