Show Me…

Show me the slow, dusty, forgotten vintage and antique shops in the tiny towns that dot the United States of America.

Show me long forgotten treasured vases, art, and planters, small brass pieces and barley twist candle sticks.

Show me things that I’ve never seen before so I can drink it all in and remember for those who have been long gone.

Show me the well worn quilts and dish towels that were so carefully crafted by the Grandmothers, Mothers, and Daughters who have passed years before.

Show me the old photos and the travel souvenirs that remind us how vast this amazing country is and how every place has it’s own feel and rhythms.

Show me the knowledge corner in tiny little gas stations as we travel from one small town to the next in search of our next gasp of breath at something so incredibly beautiful that we could never have imagined it.

Show me the well worn wooden chairs, dinner tables, primitive kitchen tools, old dusty working man’s tools, and the woven baskets that hold all their own memories and those beloved people’s thoughts and cares that bore witness to all the joys, trials, sadness, and love of those who kept them.

Show me all of these things and I will take them all in to my heart and mind in order to remember the hard working people who crafted, cried, celebrated, and created our vintage and antique history. I will bear witness and testify for those that are no longer here to share their stories and memories.